Third Eye Chakra Massage, Body, Bath Oil
per item
Third Eye Chakra / 6th Chakra: Wisdom / Psychic Ability
Location: Center of Forehead
Keywords: Psychic Ability, Inner Spirit, Imagination, Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight
Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Rosemary Oil – Enhances higher mind and memory, Peppermint Oil – Clears conscious mind, Mugwort Flower Essence – Increases Psychic abilities
Crystal: Lapis – Opens up the 3rd eye, Clairvoyancy
Affirmation: I release all barriers to opening up my inner sight. I am psychic. I have the wisdom to make right decisions in all that concerns me.
Directions: Bath: Pour desired amount into running water Body: Smooth over damp skin. Massage: Pour a small amount into palm of hand, then apply. Store in a cool, dry, dark space.
4oz bottle
Location: Center of Forehead
Keywords: Psychic Ability, Inner Spirit, Imagination, Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight
Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Rosemary Oil – Enhances higher mind and memory, Peppermint Oil – Clears conscious mind, Mugwort Flower Essence – Increases Psychic abilities
Crystal: Lapis – Opens up the 3rd eye, Clairvoyancy
Affirmation: I release all barriers to opening up my inner sight. I am psychic. I have the wisdom to make right decisions in all that concerns me.
Directions: Bath: Pour desired amount into running water Body: Smooth over damp skin. Massage: Pour a small amount into palm of hand, then apply. Store in a cool, dry, dark space.
4oz bottle